
New Four-Cylinder Diesel Engine From Audi Hungaria
New Four-Cylinder Diesel Engine From Audi Hungaria - 2018. 08. 02.
• The serial production of the newly developed mild-hybrid technology diesel engines launched in Győr • Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management: “Ensuring future growth with our extended product portfolio”
A New Era: Serial Production of Electric Engines Launched at Audi Hungaria
A New Era: Serial Production of Electric Engines Launched at Audi Hungaria - 2018. 07. 24.
• Manufacturing electric engines is an important milestone on the way to electromobility • Peter Kössler, Member of the Board of Management for Production and Logistics of AUDI AG: “E-engine production is of strategic importance in the company’s transformation process” • Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria: “We take a leading role in e-engine production”
3D-Printed Engine in Cooperation of SZEngine and Audi Hungaria
3D-Printed Engine in Cooperation of SZEngine and Audi Hungaria - 2018. 07. 19.
Győr, 19 July 2018—The unique engine, of which main parts were made using a 3D-printer, will be introduced at the Formula Student East event with a few test laps. The engine was developed, printed and built by SZEngine, the engine development team of the Széchenyi István University of Győr, and the engineers of Audi Hungaria’s Experimental Motor Manufacturing Centre, in close cooperation.
Audi Hungaria: Awarded the Best at the Dual Vocational Training
Audi Hungaria: Awarded the Best at the Dual Vocational Training - 2018. 07. 13.
• 152 young graduates at the Audi Hungaria dual vocational training • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria: “The hands-on training-focused education model of our company is attractive for young people.” • Nearly 2000 graduates at the dual vocational training since 2011
Testing in Extreme Weather Conditions at Audi Hungaria
Testing in Extreme Weather Conditions at Audi Hungaria - 2018. 06. 21.
• A new climatic chamber for extreme tests ranging from -40 to +80 degrees centigrade • Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management: “We further enhance our testing competence in Győr.”
Open day at Audi Hungaria celebrating 25 years of operation
Open day at Audi Hungaria celebrating 25 years of operation - 2018. 06. 04.
On 30 June 2018, 25-year-old Audi Hungaria will open its doors to the public again. On the Open Day anyone can get a behind-the-scenes glimpse at one of the biggest engine factories and state-of-the-art car factories of the world. Come and see where the future is being built!
Cooperation Between Audi Hungaria and the Ballet Company of Győr Continued
Cooperation Between Audi Hungaria and the Ballet Company of Győr Continued - 2018. 05. 30.
Győr, 30 May 2018—The four-ring company extended its sponsorship contract with the Ballet Company of Győr for 3 more years. “In the articstic presentations of the Ballet Company of Győr we can experience innovation and premium quality – the same merits our company is striving for in the automotive industry. I am pleased and honored that Audi Hungaria can support this world-famous ballet company as a chief sponsor”, Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. said.
New Engine Family at Audi Hungaria
New Engine Family at Audi Hungaria - 2018. 05. 16.
• Serial production of 3-cylinder engines launched in Győr • Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management: “Our Engine Production is characterized by flexibility and efficiency.”
The Successful Cooperation of Audi Hungaria and Audi ETO KC of Győr is Continued
The Successful Cooperation of Audi Hungaria and Audi ETO KC of Győr is Continued - 2018. 05. 03.
• Audi signed a sponsorship agreement with the Champion’s League title defender team for three more years • Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management: “Internationality and peak performance make a bond between us” • Fruitful cooperation with the handball club for 12 years now
Audi Hungaria: 20 years of vehicle production in Győr
Audi Hungaria: 20 years of vehicle production in Győr - 2018. 04. 26.
• Over 1,150,000 vehicles from Győr to the world since 1998 • Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management: “With our 20 years of experience we are preparing for the manufacturing of Győr’s first SUV model, the Audi Q3” • Audi Hungaria is the exclusive manufacturer of the design icon Audi TT
2017: a Successful Business Year at Audi Hungaria
2017: a Successful Business Year at Audi Hungaria - 2018. 03. 15.
• With its € 7,214 million revenue the company continues to perform high • Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management: “I am looking into the future full of hope” • The first SUV model, Audi Q3 was launched in 2018 • The serial production of electric engines will start in the summer of 2018
Audi Hungaria: An Anniversary Year with Future-Oriented Projects
Audi Hungaria: An Anniversary Year with Future-Oriented Projects - 2018. 02. 19.
• Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management: “An anniversary year with decisive milestones” • The success story continues with a new engine type and a new car model • 2017: High production standards with nearly two million engines and over 100,000 cars


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