
Formula Student East — engineers of the future enter the race with the support of Audi Hungaria
Formula Student East — engineers of the future enter the race with the support of Audi Hungaria - 2019. 07. 17.
Győr, July 17, 2019 AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. supports four Hungarian teams in the national races of the Formula Student East construction competition: SZEngine, Arrabona Racing Team, BME Formula Racing Team and BME Motorsport are going to compete with 72 teams from 22 countries in the international race at the weekend at the Zalaegerszegi Automotive Test Track, aka Zala ZONE.
Development Camp - international camp for engineering students
Development Camp - international camp for engineering students - 2019. 07. 11.
Győr, 11 July 2019 – At Széchenyi István University, 17 engineering students are attending a four-week technical summer course entitled Development Camp, where in the recently opened Management Campus building, they can work on the development and simulation of hybrid drive systems in projects assigned by Audi Hungaria, forming four international teams. The aim of the camp is to expand the students' competences in the area of complex problem solving, and all this is a competitive, playful, but at the same time very intensive form.
Cyber Camp - adventure week at Audi Hungaria
Cyber Camp - adventure week at Audi Hungaria - 2019. 07. 04.
Győr, 4 July 2019 – On the threshold of year eight, we welcome young people to the Audi Hungaria Project and Training Centre for a fortnight of professional orientation in the form of a summer camp.
A new manager in charge of vehicle manufacturing at Audi Hungaria
A new manager in charge of vehicle manufacturing at Audi Hungaria - 2019. 07. 01.
• Zoltán Les is the new vehicle manufacturing manager from 1 July • The former manager, Arnd-Robert Sponagel, is returning to the AUDI AG centre, and taking over management of vehicle manufacturing in Ingolstadt
149 students have graduated in the Audi Hungaria vocational training system
149 students have graduated in the Audi Hungaria vocational training system - 2019. 06. 28.
• 149 young people took their final exams in the 2018/2019 academic year • Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, the member of the Audi Hungaria management board responsible for personnel matters and organisation: “The students have acquired a profession which points to the future” • Four gold and one bronze metal in the “Profession Star” competition
The Higher Education and Industry Collaboration Centre building complex has been opened
The Higher Education and Industry Collaboration Centre building complex has been opened - 2019. 06. 25.
• Two-way, expanded knowledge and technology transfer between the university and Audi Hungaria • Achim Heinfling, chairman of the Audi Hungaria board: “The optimal symbiosis of research and development, education and industry has come into being” • A close relationship between society, the economy and higher education is the basis for further development in the area
The first Audi e-tron in Hungary has been received by its owner at Audi Hungaria
The first Audi e-tron in Hungary has been received by its owner at Audi Hungaria - 2019. 05. 06.
Győr, May 6, 2019 – Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. and Sándor Mátrabérci, Audi Brand Director of Porsche Hungaria, handed over the first Audi e-tron put into circulation in Hungary to Árpád Németh, the new owner.
“Responsibility for the future”: tree-planting scheme of Audi Hungaria
“Responsibility for the future”: tree-planting scheme of Audi Hungaria - 2019. 04. 29.
• Over 150 trees, including five new species, were planted by Audi Hungaria employees • Achim Heinfling, managing director of Audi Hungaria said: “We are making conscious efforts to improve the environmental performance of our manufacturing site” • Nearly 70% of the Audi Hungaria site consists of green areas
Audi Hungaria: The first class of the dual higher education programme has graduated
Audi Hungaria: The first class of the dual higher education programme has graduated - 2019. 03. 25.
• The first class of the dual higher education programme of Audi Hungaria and the Széchenyi István University started in September 2015 • Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, member of the Board of Management of the Company for Human Resources “Our dual higher education programme with the Széchenyi István University in Győr is a unique, future-oriented higher-education initiative in Hungary”
Audi Hungaria: a good business year in 2018
Audi Hungaria: a good business year in 2018 - 2019. 03. 14.
• With the series production of the Audi Q3 and the electric engines Audi’s product palette has further widened. • 2019 will bring the second SUV, the Audi Q3 Sportback to Győr • Achim Heinfling: “A solid base to build our future on”
“Professional Star Festival”—Semi-final at Audi Hungaria
“Professional Star Festival”—Semi-final at Audi Hungaria - 2019. 03. 01.
• 67 apprentices of eight automotive trades pitted their skills against each other in the Project and Training Centre of Audi Hungaria. • Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, member of the Board of Management of the Company for Human Resources “Our dual vocational training programme offers students the opportunity to acquire various automotive trades by learning cutting-edge technologies.”
Largest rooftop solar farm in Europe to be built in Győr, Hungary
Largest rooftop solar farm in Europe to be built in Győr, Hungary - 2019. 02. 15.
• Audi Hungaria and E.ON are collaborating on the project • The solar farm will cover a total rooftop area of around 160,000 m² • It will produce at least 9.5 GWh/year of renewable energy from 2020


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