
Audi Hungaria: Going CO2 neutral between Ingolstadt, Brussels and Győr
Audi Hungaria: Going CO2 neutral between Ingolstadt, Brussels and Győr - 2019. 11. 06.
• Audi teams up with DB Cargo for a CO2 neutral transporting of parts, engines and vehicles between the Ingolstadt, Brussels and Győr production plants. • As Chairperson of the Management Board Achim Heinfling said: “This is a crucial step towards realising our goal of CO2 neutral production” • A reduction of over 9,000 tons of CO2 emission
Most Attractive Workplace of 2019 Award goes to Audi Hungaria
Most Attractive Workplace of 2019 Award goes to Audi Hungaria - 2019. 10. 08.
Győr, 8 October 2019 – AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. has been given the title of “PwC Top 10 Most Attractive Workplace of 2019 Award, integrated first place”, and the Győr company also received first place in the most attractive automotive manufacturer category at today’s award presentation.
Audi RS Q3 and RS Q3 Sportback lined up to go at Audi Hungaria
Audi RS Q3 and RS Q3 Sportback lined up to go at Audi Hungaria - 2019. 09. 30.
• Two extremely sporty Q models added to the product portfolio in Győr • Zoltán Les, board member in charge of vehicle manufacturing: “We have expanded our competencies in the production of RS models” • Outstanding performance thanks to the even-more-powerful 2.5 TFSI engine
Audi Hungaria: From 1 October Alfons Dintner is the new chairman of the board
Audi Hungaria: From 1 October Alfons Dintner is the new chairman of the board - 2019. 09. 26.
Győr, 26 September 2019. - On 1 October, Alfons Dintner takes over the position of chairman of the Audi Hungaria board of directors from Achim Heinfling, who will head the AUDI AG Ingolstadt centre. Alfons Dintner comes to Győr from Ingolstadt, where he was responsible for directing the AUDI AG pre-production centre.
A Széchenyi statue has been inaugurated with the support of Audi Hungaria
A Széchenyi statue has been inaugurated with the support of Audi Hungaria - 2019. 09. 24.
Győr, 24 September 2019. - On this very day, a full body statue of István Széchenyi was inaugurated on the square in front of the Széchenyi István University Management Campus building, to which AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. also contributed. The work produced on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of Széchenyi István University portrays Széchenyi, who had many connections with our county, as a civilian.
It’s good to give: For the sixth time, Audi employees have done voluntary work in 30 institutions in the region
It’s good to give: For the sixth time, Audi employees have done voluntary work in 30 institutions in the region - 2019. 09. 21.
• Almost 600 employees did voluntary work in 30 institutions • In connection with the “Audi helps” campaign, this year for the first time institutions could apply for special support from Audi Hungaria • Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, the member of the Audi Hungaria management board responsible for personnel matters and organisation: “Social responsibility is an important core value for our company, which can materialise from year to year with the unselfish help of our employees”
Good for environment and workers: new sealing technique at Audi Hungaria’s paint shop
Good for environment and workers: new sealing technique at Audi Hungaria’s paint shop - 2019. 09. 12.
• Sealant application made easier by new, innovative procedure • Precise application reduces the amount of material used and the total weight of the car • A more ergonomically efficient environment for workers
First solar panels delivered to Audi Hungaria
First solar panels delivered to Audi Hungaria - 2019. 08. 28.
Győr, 28 August 2019 – A solar power plant with a peak output of 12 megawatts (MWp) is being installed by E.ON on the top of AUDI Hungaria’s two logistical centres – spanning an area of nearly 160,000 square meters. The joint project has reached a crucial milestone: the first ones of the 36,000 solar panels that will make up the solar power plant have been delivered.
Godspeed For The Audi Q3 Sportback in Győr
Godspeed For The Audi Q3 Sportback in Győr - 2019. 07. 29.
• The series production of a new model has commenced at Audi Hungaria. • Chairperson of the Management Board Achim Heinfling: “The outstanding performance of our employees has allowed us to launch the series production of not one but two Q models”
Introducing The Latest Model Produced In Győr: The Elegance Of Power: The Audi Q3 Sportback
Introducing The Latest Model Produced In Győr: The Elegance Of Power: The Audi Q3 Sportback - 2019. 07. 24.
• A compact SUV coupe boasting an impressive design and outstanding driving dynamics • Market rollout with engines manufactured in Győr • The second Q model produced at Audi Hungaria
Audi Hungaria continues its e-transformation
Audi Hungaria continues its e-transformation - 2019. 07. 23.
• E-mobility is in the forefront in Győr • E-projects in the field of motor and vehicle construction and in technical development
New Chairman in Audi Hungaria's Board of Management: Alfons Dintner replaces Achim Heinfling
New Chairman in Audi Hungaria's Board of Management: Alfons Dintner replaces Achim Heinfling - 2019. 07. 18.
• Handoff from the autumn of this year • Peter Kössler, Board Member for Production and Logistics, AUDI AG: “Achim Heinfling has played a key role in Audi Hungaria's success for many years”


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