
Audi Hungaria promotes Student Project - 2011. 09. 29.
• Cooperation with Révai Miklós High School of Győr and Széchenyi István University within the framework of the ‘CAMPUS OF EXCELLENCE’ student project • Audi Hungaria promotes the development of students’ knowledge of natural sciences • Professional prospects and carrier building opportunities for young people
Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn gives lecture at Budapest University of Technology and Economics - 2011. 09. 28.
• Lecture on ‘Materials in Automobile Manufacturing’ • Strategic cooperation with Hungarian universities of technology to promote new workforce supply • Cooperation in research and development projects
High level technical competition at Audi Hungaria - 2011. 09. 20.
• Focus on teamwork and creative solutions • The number of participants more than doubled • Richárd Rozman, managing director for Human Ressources: “The competition increases the attraction of the company.”
Audi Hungaria Tool Shop is expanding - 2011. 09. 19.
• Topping out ceremony in the Győr Tool Shop • Investment to the value of 16.5 million euros • Approximately 60 new jobs
The 7000th employee at Audi Hungaria - 2011. 09. 06.
• More than 900 new jobs in the first eight months • Great demand for experts • Richárd Rozman, managing director for Human Ressources: “We offer our employees secure jobs and long-term future prospects.”
Audi Hungaria: production at high revs - 2011. 07. 29.
• Sales revenue of more than 2.7 billion euros • Investments to the value of 210 million euros • 567 new employees in the first six months • Thomas Faustmann, Chief Executive Officer: “With the rise in production volume and sales revenue, we can bring significant growth to book.”
Audi Hungaria: Foundation stone laid for plant extension at Győr - 2011. 07. 07.
- Audi chief Rupert Stadler and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán officially mark the start of work on the new facilities - 2,100 new jobs at Győr - Stadler: “Investment secures jobs at all locations”
New managing director at Audi Hungaria - 2011. 07. 06.
• New member in the management • Ulrich Minke is Managing Director of Vehicle Production as of 1 July • Minke has 30 years of professional experience at Audi
Audi Hungaria: 10 years – 1000 apprentices - 2011. 06. 17.
• Vocational training in work-study combination at Audi Hungaria since 2001 • New trades: body ironer and machine manufacturing technology technician • Richárd Rozman, HR director: “We cover our demand for professionals through the work-study program“
“Audi Adventure”: new internship programme started at Audi Hungaria - 2011. 05. 20.
• Exemplary programme to ensure the next generation • Richárd Rozman, Director of Human Resources: “We provide development opportunities and competitive benefits for our interns.” • Excellent career prospects for students
ETO FC All Stars – FC Bayern All Stars match - 2011. 05. 12.
• Cooperation between Audi Hungaria and Győri ETO FC begins with a high-quality match • “Kick for one million” sponsored by Audi Hungaria
Supplier forum at Audi Hungaria - 2011. 05. 03.
• Information event for potential supplier companies • In focus: major components for future car manufacturing • Early planning of the logistic chain of new vehicle factory


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