
Audi Hungaria gears up for third shift in vehicle production - 2014. 07. 15.
• Three shifts as of the middle of August as a result of big market demand • Gerd Walker, Managing Director for Vehicle Production: "The introduction of the third shift will allow us to deliver our products to the customers on time." • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Managing Director for Human Resources: "We have over 3,000 staff working in vehicle production at the moment."
Audi Hungaria: Energy efficiency with the supply of geothermal heat - 2014. 07. 10.
• The new geothermal system covers 60% of the heat energy used by the company • At least 82.000 MWh heat energy every year • Thomas Faustmann, Chairman of the Board of Management: : “Energy efficiency is a key element of our corporate strategy“.
Training and a career at Audi Hungaria: 130 vocational students start their careers - 2014. 07. 04.
• The company awarded its best vocational students • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Managing Director for Human Resources: “Training is the key to our success.“ • Dual professional training is a basic element of the company’s HR strategy
Audi Hungaria: the extension of the airport in Pér has been completed - 2014. 07. 03.
• Greater flight safety with Instrumental Landing System and longer runway • Over 4 800 aircraft and 30 000 passengers annually • Significant contribution to the competitiveness of the region
Audi Hungaria: change in management from 1 July - 2014. 07. 01.
• Achim Heinfling replaced by Herbert Steiner as the new Managing Director for Engine Production • Audi Board Member for Production, Dr. Hubert Waltl: "Steiner continues the successful expansion of the Győr engine production." • Audi Board Member for Human Resources, Prof. h.c. Thomas Sigi: "The new executive brings along years of international experience."
Futuristic Projects at Audi Hungaria
Futuristic Projects at Audi Hungaria - 2014. 06. 25.
Research and development activities are of high priority for the AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. and this is proved by the developments realized in the Engine Development Centre. As a result of the subvention awarded within the framework of the New Széchenyi Plan, several new technologies and procedures serve the effective work of the Development Centre.
Audi Hungaria further expands engine development centre - 2014. 06. 25.
• Capacity for placement of 12 additional test-benches • Chairman of the Board of Management, Thomas Faustmann: "Optimal development possibilities are crucial for our company" • Planned handover: beginning of 2015
Audi Arena Győr multifunctional hall ceremoniously inaugurated - 2014. 06. 24.
• New partnership between the city of Győr and the manufacturer • Audi Hungaria sponsors the arena with its name • Handover of the arena expected to take place in November 2014
Audi Hungaria: 160 new professional trainees - 2014. 06. 16.
• The company trains young people in 11 different professions • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Managing Director for Human Resources: "Our future lies in the highly trained new generation." • Dual vocational training allows for practice-oriented learning
Audi Hungaria at the top in energy efficiency - 2014. 05. 28.
• CO2 –free production, use and saving of energy are all central elements of energy management systems • Achim Heinfling, Managing Director for Engine Production: “We connect long-term, sustainable mobility with climate-neutral production sites”. • Certified engine and car production
The anniversary lecture of Prof. Dr. Martin Winterkorn at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics - 2014. 04. 30.
• 10th lecture for over 400 students • “Connected-Car” – cars linked to the network – the decisive direction of mobility’s future • University cooperation with an eye on encouraging innovations and supporting the future generation
Audi Hungaria continues its partnership cooperation with the Győri ETO FC - 2014. 04. 25.
• Extending the contract for another three years • Focusing on supporting sports talents of the future • Successful cooperation since 2011


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