
TT meeting at Audi Hungaria - 2015. 09. 21.
• Members of the TT Owners Club visited the birthplace of the Hungarian design icon • Gerd Walker, Member of the Board of Management for Vehicle Production at Audi Hungaria: “Our passion for the TT is something we all share” • Since 2014, the production of the Audi TT family is carried out in Győr in its entire depth
Dr. h. c. Thomas Faustmann was awarded honorary citizenship of Győr - 2015. 09. 17.
17 September 2015, Győr— Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft Dr. h. c. Thomas Faustmann received a title of honorary citizenship from Zsolt Borkai, Mayor of Győr, city with county rights. The City Council awarded Thomas Faustmann for the work he has accomplished for Győr and the development of the region.
Great success on the second Audi Hungaria Volunteer Day - 2015. 09. 12.
• More than 600 employees have taken part in 36 charitable projects in and around Győr • Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources Dr. Elisabeth Knab: “Together we can achieve a lot.” • Three priority projects for those in greatest need
Audi Hungaria: new Logistics Centre in the Spirit of Sustainability - 2015. 09. 08.
• An area of 80 000 square meters to increase efficiency and flexibility • Chairman of the Board of Management Dr. h.c. Thomas Faustmann: “This is another milestone of the consistent development of our logistics infrastructure” • Priority projects for a carbon neutral energy supply
Teamwork and horsepower: Formula Student Hungary, supported by Audi Hungaria - 2015. 08. 17.
• Three teams competing in the spirit of the four rings • Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, Audi Hungaria's Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources: "We are proud to support the university students' participation in motorsport" • Audi Hungaria is the main sponsor of the international competition
Audi Hungaria: a Successful First Half - 2015. 07. 30.
• Over a million engines and 84,000 automobiles between January and the end of June • Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria Dr. h.c. Thomas Faustmann said: “Győr is an important site for the Audi group.”
New managing director at Audi Hungaria: Peter Kössler to succeed to Dr. h.c. Thomas Faustmann - 2015. 07. 10.
• Current managing director Dr. h.c. Thomas Faustmann is to move to AUDI AG as director of the plant in Neckarsulm • Audi Board of Management Member for Production Prof. Dr. Hubert Waltl: “Thomas Faustmann has played a major role in the rapid growth of Audi Hungaria” • Successor Peter Kössler will bring great experience as a current plant director
105 graduate skilled workers are starting their careers at Audi Győr - 2015. 06. 30.
• 105 graduate skilled workers have taken their exams successfully at the end of their dual training at Audi Hungaria. • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria: “Excellent skilled workforce supply is the key to our success” • Awards to the 11 best graduates
Headcount Record at Audi Hungaria: 500 Interns on Board All at Once - 2015. 06. 26.
• 500 interns at Audi Hungaria all at once • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources at Audi Hungaria: “Our internship programme is already focused on future needs today.” • The interest for internship positions in Győr is steadily increasing.
Audi Hungaria Expands Engine Development Centre - 2015. 05. 11.
• Six new test benches over 1,600 square meters • Dr. h.c. Thomas Faustmann, Chairman of the Board of Management: Investing in innovative solutions is a key prerequisite for “Vorsprung durch Technik“
Even More to See and Experience at Audi Hungaria’s Expanded Visitor Centre - 2015. 04. 21.
• The four-ring brand now offers more space for factory tours and visitor experience • Several new theme tours have been added to the existing selection • More than 58,000 visitors since 2010
Audi Hungaria Donates an Audi TTS to Győr Police - 2015. 04. 20.
• An Audi TTS Coupé with a 2.0 TFSI engine is the newest squad car to be used by the Győr-Moson-Sopron County Police Headquarters • Gerd Walker, Managing Director for Vehicle Production: “Another important step forward for our corporate social responsibility activities” • This squad car is the fourth donated to the county police


9027 Győr, Audi Hungária út 1.

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