
“Please Take Your iPads!” Mobile learning at Audi Hungaria
“Please Take Your iPads!” Mobile learning at Audi Hungaria - 2016. 12. 19.
Győr, 19 December 2016— Starting this year in Audi Hungaria’s dual vocational training, students will no longer be asked not to use their mobile devices during class. With 50 iPads available for almost 100 students, they can prepare their electronic learning materials independently.
Christmas Fundraising at Audi Hungaria
Christmas Fundraising at Audi Hungaria - 2016. 12. 13.
Győr, 13 December 2016 — Audi Hungaria conducted another successful Christmas fundraising campaign this year: employees have helped to make the holidays of the needy happier with non-perishable food in the value of HUF 1.5 million and 400 gift packages containing toys, books and clothes. Donations were presented on Monday, at the Family Care Center of Győr, by Axel Schifferer, Managing Director for Finance of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft.
 Audi Hungaria: a “Multi-millionaire”
Audi Hungaria: a “Multi-millionaire” - 2016. 11. 29.
• The 30 millionth engine and the millionth vehicle have come off the production lines in Győr. • Peter Kössler, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria, said: “Today’s double jubilee is the result of real team work.” • Zsolt Borkai, the Mayor of Győr: “Today the city and Audi succeed as one big family.”
Audi Hungaria: Skin-Tight Ergonomics
Audi Hungaria: Skin-Tight Ergonomics - 2016. 11. 22.
Győr, 22 November 2016 — Audi Hungaria introduced a brand new ergonomic device based on a motion capturing system, the first of its kind in the entire world. The system recognizes non-ergonomic factors by digitalizing human movement, enabling the ergonomic development and optimization of workstations and work processes.
The Award “For Quality Dance Arts” Presented by Audi Hungaria for the 3rd time now
The Award “For Quality Dance Arts” Presented by Audi Hungaria for the 3rd time now - 2016. 10. 10.
Győr, 10 October 2016—The award “Audi Hungaria For Quality Dance Arts” was presented by Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria for the 3rd time now. The award, which entails a net gratuity of HUF 1 million, was awarded by the advisory board to Daichi Uematsu, dancer of the Ballet Company of Győr this year.
Audi Hungaria: Next Construction Phase of the New Body Factory Started
Audi Hungaria: Next Construction Phase of the New Body Factory Started - 2016. 10. 06.
Győr, 06 October 2016—The groundworks of the new body factory of Audi Hungaria have been finished as planned. In this phase, about 1800 poles were dug 8 meters deep into the ground, which will ensure the stability of a building of 80,000 m2 floor space.
An Investment Into the Future: the Audi Hungaria School Expanded and Renewed
An Investment Into the Future: the Audi Hungaria School Expanded and Renewed - 2016. 09. 28.
• A total of about 3,100 m2 of new buildings finished in the second phase of the school expansion project • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Managing Director for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria: “Education is one of the best and most important investments into our future”
Audi Hungaria: From Trainee to Colleague – For the 100th Time, This Year Again
Audi Hungaria: From Trainee to Colleague – For the 100th Time, This Year Again - 2016. 09. 23.
Győr, 23 September 2016—This year already the 100th trainee will start his employment career at Audi. Zsolt Sáfrányos was welcome on his first day at work by Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of AUDI HUNGARIA Kft. Zsolt, freshly graduated at the Széchenyi István University in vehicle engineering, will utilize and enhance the skills and knowledge he gained as an Audi trainee as an engineer responsible for automobile parts in the future.
“Double Dynamite”: Nora Mørk received her new Audi
“Double Dynamite”: Nora Mørk received her new Audi - 2016. 09. 14.
Győr, 14 September 2016—Nora Mørk, the new player of Audi ETO KC Győr will start the season with an Audi A4 Avant. The car was presented to her by Dr. Csaba Bartha, Head of AUDI ETO KC Győr and Péter Lőre, Manager of Communication and Government Relations at Audi Hungaria. The Norwegian world-class handball player is fast as lighting. So now, on the roads, the Audi A4 Avant, equipped with a 2.0 TDI engine, will provide her the same dynamics to which she is used to on the court.
500 Audi Employees on Duty
500 Audi Employees on Duty - 2016. 09. 12.
• 30 public benefit purpose projects on the third Volunteer Day of Audi Hungaria • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft.: “Social responsibility is a core value at Audi Hungaria.” • Four priority projects in the Győr region
Theory and Practice Hand in Hand: a New Dual Training Program in Győr
Theory and Practice Hand in Hand: a New Dual Training Program in Győr - 2016. 09. 09.
• Electrical Engineering: a new dual higher education training program launched in cooperation of Audi Hungaria and the Széchenyi István University of Győr this autumn • Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft.: “Dual higher education training is perfect for combining academic and hands-on training.”
The Triumph of Speed: Formula Student Hungary Kicks Off Today, Sponsored by Audi
The Triumph of Speed: Formula Student Hungary Kicks Off Today, Sponsored by Audi - 2016. 08. 18.
Győr, 18 August 2016 – The heat is on today as the engines are ready to roar at the racetrack in Gönyű, home to the Formula Student Hungary event, for the seventh time in a row. As in previous years, the main sponsor of this highly acclaimed motorsport competition for university students is AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft.


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