
New Human Resources Director at Audi Hungaria

2021. 05. 21.

• From 1 June Kinga Németh, is the Member of the Board of Management responsible for Human Resources and Organisation of the company
• Dr. Elisabeth Knab, the outgoing Member of the Board, will continue to serve as a Board Representative, responsible for strategy and innovation
• Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria: "Born in Győr, Kinga Németh has many years of professional experience in human resources management"

Győr, May 21, 2021 - From 1 June 2021, Kinga Németh is the new Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources and Organisation at Audi Hungaria. Kinga Németh began her professional career at Audi Hungaria in 1997 and has held various management positions in the field of human resources over the past almost 20 years, both at Audi Hungaria and AUDI AG. Kinga Németh takes over the position of director from Dr. Elisabeth Knab, who will be in future responsible for strategy, innovation, science and research as Board Representative in Hungary and the Central and Eastern European region. The strategic advisory function is directly assigned to the Chairman of the Board of Audi Hungaria.


"On behalf of our company, I would like to thank Dr. Elisabeth Knab for her many years of dedicated work. The human resources strategy developed under her leadership and marked by her name has contributed significantly to strengthening the competitiveness and future capability of our company and to securing the jobs of our employees in the long term. I look forward to continuing to shape the company's strategy with her expertise and vision," says Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management at AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. "Kinga Németh is an experienced top manager with a broad network of contacts, both at Audi Hungaria and within the Audi Group. She has been shaping HR work in our company for almost 20 years in various management positions. Her person is a guarantee that she will continue the excellent strategic work. In her activities she always has in mind competitiveness, the long-term preservation of jobs and employer attractiveness."


The new Member of the Board for Human Resources and Organisation at Audi Hungaria, Kinga Németh, was born in Győr in 1971. After graduating in German language and literature at the University of Szeged, she studied economics at the Budapest University of Economics. She began her professional career in 1997 at Audi Hungaria. After holding various positions in finance and controlling, she held several management positions in human resources. In 2001, she was appointed Head of Human Resources Officer. In 2017, she took on a management position at AUDI AG in Ingolstadt in the field of dual vocational training. In 2019 she returned to Audi Hungaria as Head of the Audi Academy. In 2020 she became Head of the Human Resources Officers, HR Marketing and Career Development Programmes.


Kinga Németh is a member of the Board of Management at Audi Hungaria responsible for Human Resources and Organisation since 1 June 2021.

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