
Vaccinations Against Covid-19 Have Started at Audi Hungaria

2021. 04. 28.

Győr, 28 April 2021 - Audi Hungaria will act as a factory vaccination centre for its employees in the future, in agreement with the health authorities. As part of the national vaccination programme, Audi Hungaria's Health Management today launched the first round of vaccination of the company's employees against Covid-19 with 3,000 vaccines at two vaccination sites set up on the company premises.

"We welcome the authorities' decision that Audi Hungaria can act as a factory vaccination centre in the future as part of the government's vaccination programme, thus helping to relieve the burden on the public health system. As the largest employer in the region, weunderstand our responsibility and, in cooperation with the health authorities, are happy to put our health capacity at the service of the fight against the coronavirus. Our company's health management is prepared and ready to help," says Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management at AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. responsible for Human Resources and Organisation.


During pre-registration at the company, more than 3,500 employees expressed their intention to be vaccinated. Depending on the availability of vaccines, Audi Hungaria will of course continue to offer vaccinations at the company's own vaccination centres in the future. Further goal of Audi Hungaria is to offer this option not only to employees, but also to their family members and the company's partner companies in the future, if the health authorities allow it.


Employees who receive the first vaccination now, will also be provided with the vaccine required for the second round at the time indicated in the vaccination schedule.

The vaccinations against Covid-19 administered at the company vaccination centre are recorded in the national register by Audi Hungaria's Health Management as part of the government vaccination programme, so that the government office automatically sends the certificate of immunity, confirming that they have passed the vaccination.

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