
We Take Care, We Are Ready, We Start:

2020. 04. 09.

• A series of measures to protect the health of employees
• Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria:
"Our goal is to make Audi Hungaria covidready, i.e. virus-proof. All our departments are working together with occupational physicians and occupational safety management to achieve this goal as quickly as possible.”

Győr, April 9, 2020 - Due to the global spread of the coronavirus, European supply chains have almost completely collapsed. As a result, and to protect the health of its employees, Audi Hungaria stopped production on March 22 in parallel with the Volkswagen Group's decision. During the production shutdown, the majority of employees are partly on leave and partly on leave of absence, and the company is guaranteeing their income. During the production break, the company will reconfigure a total of 12,800 workplaces in all departments to ensure maximum employee safety and a smooth start of the production.


 "For us, maintaining the health of our employees is our highest priority. We are doing our best to protect the health of our employees by making responsible decisions and acting consistently in all departments. At the same time, maintaining Audi Hungaria's ability to do business is essential," said Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. "My special thanks go to my colleagues who come to work every day in this difficult situation and, in addition to their professional duties, prepare the departments for the coming weeks. I would also like to thank my colleagues in home office, whose work keeps Audi Hungaria's business running. I would also like to thank all the people in Győr and the Audi employees for their disciplined behavior in helping to slow the spread of the virus. I continue to count on the support of Győr and all employees to resume Audi Hungaria's production.”



Audi has developed a comprehensive package of measures in coordination with the Volkswagen Group. Audi Hungaria is consistently implementing the precautionary measures laid down in all areas, while of course complying with the regulations of the Hungarian health authorities, as well. One of the cornerstones of this is distance. Weeks ago, the company already reduced the personal contact opportunities of its employees to a minimum. A safety distance of 1.5 meters must be maintained at workplaces where work is required.


For example, in the HR department, there is a telephone customer service to trigger personal contacts. Immediately after the outbreak, the company's health management team introduced a care plan for employees suspected of coronavirus infections. "Teleconsultation" and "digital practice" will also be implemented in this area.

The company restaurants will be temporarily closed due to the changeover. When production resumes, the company will offer its employees hot meals again, but only pre-packed and for takeaway.


Audi Hungaria takes great care to protect the health of its employees not only at work, but also on the way to work. The company has doubled the number of its contract bus lines and continues to disinfect its buses. Thanks to this measure, it is also possible to maintain the prescribed distance.


On the first day of restarting the production, all employees will receive mandatory training in which they will be fully informed about the extended precautionary measures. In addition, an information brochure on this can be requested by the employees.


The employees' idea of producing parts for protective masks using a 3D printer should also be highlighted. Audi Hungaria is working closely with the Group's other production sites on this project. The first prototypes have already been manufactured and are currently being validated centrally. In addition, Audi Hungaria has already supported the purchase of two respirators in Győr in the past and donated special protective clothing to effectively protect healthcare workers.

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