
Sustainability At Audi Hungaria: Aluminium Is In Closed Loops

2020. 10. 02.

• The company’s Aluminium Closed Loop project will start in 2021
• Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management at Audi Hungaria: „We save raw material and energy by using aluminium in closed loops which helps us to significantly reduce our carbon footprint.”

Győr, October 2, 2020– Audi Hungaria uses aluminium in huge quantities, approximately 38.000 tons of aluminium coils annually. The production of aluminium is extremely energy-intensive, therefore, Audi Hungaria uses aluminium into a cycle that saves energy and valuable raw materials. In the frame of Aluminium Closed Loops the aluminium waste generated during the production, is returned to the supplier who recycles these into aluminium coils of same quality as the original, which he returns to Audi. This way the circle goes on and results in a sustainable production.


Audi Hungaria focuses heavily on sustainable and environmentally friendly production and is on the way towards carbon neutrality. "Not only do we reduce our carbon footprint during our operation, but we also contribute to reducing CO2 emissions through additional off-site measures such as afforestation, optimising our logistics processes and supporting our suppliers' sustainability solutions. We do this because Audi and the Volkswagen Group were among the first to join the Paris Climate Agreement. Our common goal is to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2°C till 2050. The Aluminium Closed Loop makes a great contribution to this, which is why we are pleased that to soon be implementing the aluminium loop at Audi Hungaria as well”, said Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt.


During the Aluminium Closed Loop the use of non-renewable natural resources is significantly reduced due to the use of the same high quality aluminium waste as secondary raw materials.  Recycling without compromising quality – downcycling – contributes to cars starting their life cycle with a more favourable environmental balance. Producing aluminium as a secondary raw material, energy consumption is reduced by 95% compared to its production as a primary raw material.

Not only is aluminium recycled at a high level at Audi Hungaria, but more than 99% of the waste generated by the company is recycled.

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