
Wage Agreement at Audi Hungaria

2020. 03. 18.

• an average wage increase of 36% during the 3 years of the wage agreement
• Dr. Elisabeth Knáb Erzsébet, Member of the Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. responsible for Human Resources and Organisation: „Our wage agreement with attractive benefits package means predictability for our employees and future competitiveness for our company”
• Sándor Németh, Chairman of the Audi Hungaria Independent Trade Union: „The agreement provides our employees with a long term financial, social and employment security.”

Győr, March 18, 2020– Today the negotiating delegations of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. and the Audi Hungaria Independent Trade Union has successfully completed the wage negotiation process. The wage agreement was signed by Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. respomsible for Human Resources and Organisation and Sándor Németh, Chairman of the Audi Hungaria Independent Trade Union. The agreement has a term of 3 years, during which employees receive an average wage increase of 36%. The offer represents an average 12.5% wage increase for employees in the first year, i.e. from April this year.


The wage agreement also includes further elements, such as inflation tracking and a one-off optional payment of HUF 130,000 per year. The wage agreement also includes a package of measures to support employment security.


„I welcome the agreement, as we have managed to agree on an attractive benefits package for all the employees of Audi Hungaria, which is attractive in the Hungarian labour market. I consider it particularly important that, in agreement with the employee delegation, for the first time in the company's history, we conclude a three-year wage agreement, which means predictability for our employees, and is also an important element for the future competitiveness of our company. I appreciate the fact, that in addition to the wage agreement, we have aso jointly developed an agreement on a package of measures to support employment security. The last two months of wage negotiations have been conducted in the spirit of constructiveness, collective thinking and shared sense of responsibility for the future of our company. This is exemplary for me and thank you for this work”, said Dr Elisabeth Knab, Member of Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. responsible for Human Resources and Organisation.


“I am proud that both negotiation parties have worked with utmost thoroughness and preparedness to reach an agreement by 31 March 2020 that will provide long-term financial, social and employment security for the employees of Audi Hungaria. I would like to thank the negotiating delegations and supporting working groups on both sides, as well as their external experts for their work. A special thanks goes to our colleagues and members for their support, constructive suggestions and, last but not least, their patience during the negotiations,” emphasised Sándor Németh, Chairman of the Audi Hungaria Independent Trade Union.


The wage agreement enters into force from April 2020.

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