
Audia Hungaria: Afforestation, which serves the research and functions as the lungs of Győr

2020. 07. 23.

Sustainability within and beyond the factory

Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria: “, Sustainability and environment protection are the key priorities for our company”

Győr, July 23 2020 – Audi Hungaria contributes to a greener environment by afforestation and planting of trees: the company’s employees have planted trees several times, whereas outside the factory area, in the surroundings of Győr Audi Hungaria launched an afforestation programme a decade ago, in which tens of thousands of trees have been planted in the region of Patkányospuszta and Ravazd. Afforestation was part of an international research programme with the participation of five countries. Scientific research in Hungary is carried out by the University of Sopron together with the Technical University of Munich.

For us, sustainability is not the goal itself, but a fundamental attitude that determines all of our activities. In this spirit, we are reducing our carbon footprint year by year, cover more than 70% of our thermal energy use from renewable geothermal energy sources, and run climate-neutral "green trains" between Ingolstadt and Győr. Our afforestation programme contributes to the protection of our immediate environment and serves scientific purposes", said Alfons Dintner, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt.


10 years ago Audi launched an afforestation programme in the countries hosting its production sites, i.e. from Germany to Hungary and Belgium and Mexico. The company has been holding patronage for the forests for 100 years. The programme initiated is an integral part of the company's environmental strategy which focuses on reducing CO2 emissions and preserving biodiversity. In addition, afforestation is part of an international research series: experts are looking for answers to the impact of climate change on trees in different growing conditions. Their aim is to find the ideal planting method that results in the greatest amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by trees and provide the best conditions for achieving biodiversity. In ten years, less than half a metre high seedlings grew into several-metre high trees. In Patkányospuszta a four-acre area, 13,000 common oaks form a forest, while in Ravazd there are 16,000 sessile oaks.

In addition to climate change, there is another important point in the research programme. The planting method was based on the so called Nelder-circle planting method. John Nelder published his method in the early 1960s, the essence of which is that planting is based on concentric circles. First results can already be observed: the Nelder-planting method proved that it is crucial what kind of habitat the planted oak has. The Nelder-method is now being researched in forestry in Hungary for the first time.


The area for the afforestation financed by Audi Hungaria was provided by the Kisalföld Erdőgazdasági Zrt. Scientific research is also supported by Audi Hungaria.


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