
Audi Hungaria Award for Excellence in Dance

2019. 11. 10.

Győr, 10 November 2019 – For the sixth year Audi Hungaria awarded the Excellence in Dance Award, this time to the Győr Ballet Company for their outstanding ballet performances.
Presented by Member of AUDI HUNGARIA Board of Management for Human Resources Dr. Erzsébet Knáb the Award was received by solo dancer of Győr Ballet Artem Pozdeev following the premiere of Anna Karenina in the National Theatre of Győr on Sunday. The recipient of the award and the HUF 1 million prize was chosen by a selection board of three.

“Celebrating their 40-year anniversary the Győr Ballet Company has created artistic value which has been shaping the cultural scene on an international, global level. By expressing emotions and happenings via the language of ballet dance the highly talented dancers of the Győr Ballet have made substantial contribution towards the international recognition of Hungarian ballet. Audi Hungaria is honoured to have been the main sponsor the Győr Ballet Company for 17 years.” Dr. Erzsébet Knáb said at the award ceremony. “We have awarded an outstanding dancer of the Company annually since 2014 in hope of contributing to the successful career of these truly magnificent artists.” – she added.

Audi Hungaria has been a committed supporter of the cultural life of the region. Examples include the annual Hungarian Dance Festival organised by the Győr Ballet Company and the Summer Night concert of the Four Seasons Festival, both of which Audi Hungaria has the honour of sponsoring.

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