
Audi Hungaria: Going CO2 neutral between Ingolstadt, Brussels and Győr

2019. 11. 06.

• Audi teams up with DB Cargo for a CO2 neutral transporting of parts, engines and vehicles between the Ingolstadt, Brussels and Győr production plants.
• As Chairperson of the Management Board Achim Heinfling said: “This is a crucial step towards realising our goal of CO2 neutral production”
• A reduction of over 9,000 tons of CO2 emission

Győr, 6 November 2019 – Focus on sustainability: all rail-based transport activities under the co-operation of Audi Hungaria and DB Cargo will be CO2 neutral from now on. It means a weekly average of 45 trains transporting parts, finished engines and assembled vehicles between the Ingolstadt and Győr production plants – all climate neutral from now on. And beyond that, the electric engines manufactured by Audi Hungaria will also be transported in a climate neutral manner, using “green trains” to transport them for use to the Brussels plant. This shift to climate neutral transport technologies will reduce the company’s carbon footprint by over 9,000 tons – a considerable step towards realising our goal of CO2 neutral production.

“Audi and the whole of the Volkswagen Group are committed to the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, and determined to contribute towards fighting global warming. Audi Hungaria also puts emphasis on climate protection, and strives to make he production system of Audi ever greener. By switching to CO2 neutral rail-based transportation provided by DB Cargo will allow us to have all our logistical transportation activities employing a climate neutral solution” – Chairperson of the Management Board of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. Alfons Dintner revealed. “This new system will give our company a definite push towards realising our goal of CO2 neutral production.” 

About 50% of he transportation activities of Audi Hungaria is rail-based. Since 1996 over 34,000 transport shipments have been sent on rail to the 651-kilometre journey between the Győr and Ingolstadt production plants. The energy the “green trains” of DB Cargo use will exclusively come from renewable energy sources in Austria. As this “DB Eco Plus” service of DB is currently not available in Belgium and Hungary the parts of the transport routes in these countries will use the “DB Eco Neutral” service – this means the CO2 emission occurring on these stages of the transport route will be compensated by the reduction of CO2 emission realised on the climate neutral parts of the route.

We at Audi Hungaria are proud of our ambitious environment protection goal of achieving complete CO2 neutrality in our activities of the Győr production plant. Right now about 70% of our energy consumption required for our heating systems is sourced from climate neural geothermal energy. Europe’s largest roof solar panel array to be installed on the roofs of the two logistic centre buildings of Audi Hungaria will be introduced in 2020 providing the company with green energy. Also, over 99% of the waste generated at the company is recycled.

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