
Audi Hungaria continues its e-transformation

2019. 07. 23.

• E-mobility is in the forefront in Győr
• E-projects in the field of motor and vehicle construction and in technical development

Budapest, July 23, 2019 - Today, Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary and Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. jointly announced the launch of the E-Transformation project, where Audi Hungaria is to expand its e-engine production, widen its technical development competencies, and prepare its vehicle production for the electric era.

“AUDI AG will be a leader in the field of electromobility, a goal we will make a major contribution to. In recent years, we have already taken the first necessary and important steps, for example, with the launch of electric motor production in 2018. Our plans for the next period are focused on electromobility and sustainability”, said Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. “With the E-transformation project, we are creating the prerequisites of a new era and strengthening the competitiveness of our company. Audi Hungaria will remain a key player both within the Audi Group and the Hungarian economy.”  

The major part of the E-Transformation project is aimed at expanding the production of e-motors in Győr and providing the opportunity to integrate the next generation of electric drives. It’s been a year now that Audi Hungaria has been manufacturing electric drives for the brand's first all-electric model, the Audi e-tron, making it the centre of e-engine production within the Audi Group.

The competencies and capacities of technical development are also expanding. In addition to increasing the efficiency of conventional drives, the company is systematically building its development know-how in the field of electric drives, thermodynamics and vehicle applications. In addition, a state-of-the-art workshop with new test benches and a new office building are under construction.  

As part of the E-transformation project, Audi Hungaria's vehicle manufacturing division is also preparing for the era of e-mobility.

The E-transformation project will create jobs for 250 professionals in these areas.

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