
149 students have graduated in the Audi Hungaria vocational training system

2019. 06. 28.

• 149 young people took their final exams in the 2018/2019 academic year
• Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, the member of the Audi Hungaria management board responsible for personnel matters and organisation: “The students have acquired a profession which points to the future”
• Four gold and one bronze metal in the “Profession Star” competition

Győr, 28 June 2019 – 149 student skilled workers have passed the final exam in the dual vocational training of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. and its partner schools. At present, students can obtain qualifications in 15 different professions. Over the past 18 years, close to 2 200 young people have completed practice-oriented training at Audi Hungaria. Students at the company were enriched with four gold and one bronze medal in this year’s “Profession Star” competition.

 “Dual vocational training is an internationally recognised model, which has been working outstandingly well in collaboration with our partner schools for 18 years now. The training makes a significant contribution to us providing well qualified experts for our company,” said Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, the member of the AUDI HUNGARIA management board responsible for personnel matters and organisation. “The goal of the Audi Hungaria dual vocational training is to pass on every important competence and still, with which value-creating professional activity may be performed. We are proud of the graduates, who are all set to enter their professional careers in an innovative environment, equipped with practice-oriented skills” added

Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, who together with Narco Reich, head of the Audi Academy, and Csaba Bencso, head of Audi Hungaria vocational training and professional competence development, passed on special recognition to the best in the 15 professions taught.

As an effect of industry 4.0, the professional activity fields and professional profiles are changing at a rapid rate. The Audi Hungaria dual vocational training lays emphasis on the future of the automotive industry, with particular regard to the digital world of work and the resulting professional consequences.
During their training time spent with the premium manufacturer, the young people are prepared for the professional challenges of the future. The company’s well equipped training centre provides all the conditions for the students to master the appropriate professional skills.

Training at Audi Hungaria is going through a digital change: Mobile Learning study materials available on iPad make studying more attractive for the student vocational workers, who can compile their own digital educational materials and display them on their mobile devices. The Audi Hungaria dual vocational training system gathers together the manifold activities of the digital world, by which the students are even more motivated to implement their own projects.

AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. introduced the dual vocational training model in 2001 as the first in Hungary, which it successfully operates at present together with the Győr Technical SC Lukács Sándor Mechatronic and Engineering Vocational High School, Vocational Secondary School and College, the Győr Technical SC Pattantyús Ábrahám Géza Industrial Vocational High School and Vocational Secondary School and the Győr Service SC Kossuth Lajos Secondary School and College. In the coming academic year, close to 100 new student vocational workers will start their training in the dual system.

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