
Audi Hungaria is the most attractive automotive industry manufacturing company

2018. 11. 21.

• Employer’s award received by Audi Hungaria
• Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, the member of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. management responsible for personnel and organisation: “The accolade reflects our personnel objectives”
• The company employs more than 12 900 people

Budapest/Győr, 20 November 2018 – AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. was “The Most Attractive Workplace of 2018” in the automotive industry manufacturing company category. This is the result of a survey carried out in collaboration between the Confederation of Hungarian Employers and Industrialists and PwC Hungary, in the focus of which was the employer’s image in automotive industry companies, and which surveyed the job-choice preferences of 20 000 young people between 16 and 26 years old.

“We are pleased about this latest award, it is an honour for Audi Hungaria to have been chosen as one of the most attractive companies in Hungary for many years now”, said Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, the member of Audi Hungaria management responsible for personnel and organisation. “Professional fulfillment, efficiency and creativity are in close correlation with one another. It is therefore of fundamental importance for our company to provide a working environment in which all this can be optimally realised”, continued Dr. Erzsébet Knáb. “In our personnel strategy, we lay emphasis on job market expectations, and we thus wish to remain the most attractive employer in the future too. We offer our employees a uniquely attractive, competitive remuneration package, of outstanding standard in the Hungarian automotive industry”, stressed Dr. Erzsébet Knáb. In the summary, Audi Hungaria was listed among the Top 10 most attractive workplaces in Hungary.

At present the company employs more than 12 900 workers, and the tendency is growing. Audi Hungaria provides work for 30 000 people in the region. A central building block of our large company recruitment schemes is the provision of professional replacements, important components of which are dual training and cooperation with universities. In the area of education and scientific collaboration, Audi Hungaria has been implementing an outstandingly functional model for many years, arm in arm with Széchenyi István University.
Around 1 000 students each year complete their professional practice in the trainee scheme with the four ring company. Since 2001, around 2 000 student skilled workers have obtained certificates in professional dual training in 15 branches. 

For 25 years, Audi Hungaria has been providing secure, innovative jobs and long-term professional perspective for its employees. The company offers professional development pathways and customised training in Győr, but employees can try their hands in the concern’s manufacturing sites all over the world.

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