
Audi Hungaria: the fifth time for Quality Dance

2018. 11. 12.

Győr, 11 November 2018 – Following the Saturday premiere of the piece Dark, silence in Győr National Theatre, Audi Hungaria presented the “For Quality Dance” prize to Tetiana Baranovska, a soloist with Győr Ballet.
The prize established by Audi five years ago was presented to the soloist of the ballet company in recognition of her outstanding artistic achievement by Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, the member of Audi Hungaria management responsible for personnel and organisation. The dancer was chosen by a three-member jury for the award involving a cash prize of one million forints.

“We are very proud of the fact that Audi Hungaria has been able to promote dance as chief sponsor of Győr Ballet for 16 years now. The company creates key, enduring values both in Hungarian dance life, and on international stages. Tradition, the preservation of values is of high priority also for 25 year old Audi Hungaria, while still striving for innovation”, said Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, the member of Audi Hungaria management responsible for personnel and organisation. “We are overjoyed at our partnership with the Győr Ballet company, who have treated the public to countless unforgettable moments in their performances."

The four ring company is dedicated to supporting cultural and sporting life in the region. Audi also stands as a sponsor alongside the Hungarian Dance festival organised annually by Győr Ballet and the concert of Győr Four Seasons Festival to end the summer, among other events.

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