
Volunteers from Audi Left Their “Signatures” in 27 Institutions of the Region

2018. 09. 17.

• Over 400 employees committed themselves to 27 projects on the 5th Volunteer Day of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt.
• Since 2014, volunteering Audi employees have implemented nearly 130 social initiatives.
• Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources and Organization of Audi Hungaria: “In the spirit of social responsibility our event has become a tradition now.”

Győr, 17 September 2018—Employees of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt initiated and implemented social projects on a voluntary basis for the 5th year now. On this year’s Volunteer Day, institutes in and around Győr were renewed with the help and commitment of more than 400 Audi employees.

“It makes me proud to see that the success of our Volunteer Day is unbroken among our colleagues. They keep coming up with ideas for new locations and are happy to volunteer”, Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources and Organization of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. said. “It is an important part of our corporate responsibility to contribute to the support of institutions in the region, to the initiation of our colleagues and through their selfless work”, she added.

This year, too, Audi teams initiated and implemented several education, social, healthcare and sports projects, and worked actively for the good causes. That’s how the rooms at the children’s ward of the Hospital of Győr, the lockers of the Tulips Primary School or the outdoor monkey bars at the kindergarten in the village of Bársonyos were renewed, just to mention a few. The gardens of the retirement home in Cuha Street and of the “Vackor” affiliate of the Bartók Kindergarten got revamped; volunteers also renewed the yard, the benches and locker rooms of the Regional Primary School in the village of Dunaszeg. A clear ramp was made at the building of the Support Service for Homeless People; refurbishment works were performed at the animal shelter of Győr and the school yard in the village of Töltéstava got revamped, too.

More than 400 Audi employees, together with the employees of the chosen institutions, performed voluntary work in Győr and its agglomeration including the towns Abda, Bársonyos, Dunaszeg, Enese, Felpéc, Fenyőfő, Gönyű, Győrladamér, Győrújbarát, Hédervár, Pannonhalma, Rábapordány and Töltéstava.

Including the 27 projects that were implemented this year, nearly 130 social initiatives have been implemented by employees of Audi Hungaria since 2014.

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