
2017: a Successful Business Year at Audi Hungaria

2018. 03. 15.

• With its € 7,214 million revenue the company continues to perform high
• Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management: “I am looking into the future full of hope”
• The first SUV model, Audi Q3 was launched in 2018
• The serial production of electric engines will start in the summer of 2018

Ingolstadt/Győr, 15 March 2018—AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt closed the business year 2017 with good results: 1,965,165 (2016: 1,926,638; +1.9%) engines were manufactured by the department of Engine Production. In the department of Vehicle Production, 105,491 vehicles (2016: 122,975; -16.5%) have left the production hall in Győr. The premium manufacturer has achieved

a revenue of € 7,214 million (2016: € 7,136 million; +1%). At the end of last year, 12,307 employees (2016: 11,631; +5.8%) were employed by Audi Hungaria. The company is looking into the future full of hope: the serial production of the electric engines of the Audi Concern and the production of the Audi Q3 will be launched this summer.

In the business year 2017, Audi Hungaria implemented investment projects in the total value of € 442 million (2016: € 304 million, +45%). The total volume of investment since the establishment of the company makes € 8,753 million. Audi Hungaria is one of the most influential Hungarian-based companies with the highest revenues, and one of Hungary’s biggest investors.

“Despite the challenging economic framework conditions, we closed the past business year of Audi Hungaria with solid results. I am proud that in engine production we have exceeded last year’s production volumes again. We have launched the serial production of the Audi RS 3 Limousine at the vehicle factory”, Achim Heinfling, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt said. “We play an important role within the Audi Concern and, through our achievements we contributed to the competitiveness of Audi to a great extent again.”

Audi Hungaria manufactured 1,965,165 engines last year. With these results, the Győr-based plant continues to be one of the world’s largest engine factories. In 2017, six different Otto engines and three different diesel engine variants were manufactured by Audi Hungaria in the performance ranges of 63 kW (86 HP) and 470 kW (639 HP). About 6,000 employees of the company manufactured more than 9,000 engines a day for the 32 vehicle production sites of the Volkswagen Concern.


Audi Hungaria has made further steps towards becoming a smart factory: following the pattern of the human-robot cooperation which exists at the production line of the four-cylinder Otto engines, further robot “colleagues” were deployed.


At the department of Vehicle Production, 105,491 four-ring vehicles were manufactured. Nearly 4,500 employees at the department of Vehicle Production have manufactured the Audi TT Coupé, the TT Roadster, the A3 Limousine and the A3 Cabriolet models in full production depth. The serial production of the Audi RS 3 Limousine was started in 2017 at Audi Hungaria. This is Audi’s first compact limousine.


Technical development gained increasing importance in Győr in the past years. In 2017 the department of Vehicle Development further enhanced its competences. Further testing equipment was commissioned for testing engines, and completed vehicles can also be tested on a testing bench which is unique in Hungary. Testing is performed by the simulation of various road surfaces.


The Tool Factory was enhanced: In 2017 the company manufactured nearly 300,000 body parts and components for the 25 exclusive and sport models of the Audi and the Volkswagen Concern, including the Audi RS 6 and the Audi R8. The Győr-based Tool Factory also produces body parts for the sportiest models of the Volkswagen Concern. 


The 12,000th employee started working at the Body Factory of Audi Hungaria. At the end of last year the company was employing 12,307 employees. As one of Hungary’s most attractive employers, training its employees within and beyond their professions, as well as the education of future generations is of high priority for Audi Hungaria.

Audi Hungaria and the Széchenyi István University are pursuing their strategic cooperation for more than ten years now. Beside the departments of Electric Engineering and Vehicle Engineering, the dual higher education training portfolio was enhanced with a new department, Mechanical Engineering in 2017.

Audi Hungaria is looking into the future full of hope: as the central engine production company of the Audi Concern, alternative propulsion technologies are its new flagship technologies. In 2018 the portfolio of vehicle production will be enhanced by electric engines. The preparations for the serial production are being made with maximum effort. In the department of e-Engine Production Audi Hungaria will implement a whole new production concept called modular production. The production “islands” which will be developed in the vehicle assembly hall, logistics-related tasks will be performed by driverless transport devices.

The portfolio of vehicle production will be enhanced by another model: the serial production of the Audi Q3 will be commenced in 2018 at the Győr production site. For SUV production a new, 80,000 m2 body factory was built.


„Audi Hungaria is preparing for the future with smart solutions and cutting-edge technologies. We respond to the challenges of the automotive industry with new production technologies and our highly devoted team. With its 25 years of experience, future-oriented investment projects, professional knowledge and enthusiasm, Audi Hungaria is prepared for the next 25 years”, Achim Heinfling said.  

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