
Audi Hungaria: 12,000th Employee Joins Company

2017. 11. 02.

• Audi Hungaria’s 12,000th employee joins the company’s body
assembly plant
• Dr Erzsébet Knáb, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources: “We are proud to be one of the largest and most attractive employers in the country, and we feel the responsibility this also entails.”
• The company provides secure and attractive employment

Győr, 2 November 2017 – The 12,000th employee to join AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. has recently started work, raising the number of employees to a new record. 21-year-old Marcell Szentgyörgyi graduated as an electrotechnician and has started his professional career as a maintenance staff member in Audi’s body assembly plant.

Dr Erzsébet Knáb, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources, emphasised: “To produce premium quality products we require the best professionals. We therefore attach special emphasis on providing our employees with competitive remuneration and the opportunity for long term professional development. I hope Marcell Szentgyörgyi will find what he is looking for at Audi Hungaria.”

The young man, who hails from Győr, is a graduate of the Pattantyús Ábrahám Géza Technical Secondary School.

His father has been with the company for over 20 years, working in production planning; his son now follows in his footsteps.Marcell chose Audi Hungaria because he considers the automobile manufacturer a secure workplace and believes it offers long term opportunities.

Audi Hungaria has been expanding consistently in recent years, a trend which continues in 2017, with the company opening a new body plant and preparing for the production of E-engines. A stated goal of the company is to improve the attractiveness of its professions and to expand vocational training opportunities as necessary, so as to be able to meet its needs for new professional staff in the future.

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