
Audi Hungaria: The Future Belongs to Hands-On Training

2017. 09. 14.

• New dual training course at Széchenyi István University
• Record headcount: 600 students all at once in the trainee programme of Audi Hungaria
• Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria: “The balance between academic and hands-on training is of key importance for future experts and corporations”

Győr, 14 September 2017—AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt. hosted about 30 students who participate in its dual higher education training programmes at the Széchenyi István University. Students now have the opportunity to choose from three departments to get hands-on training at: as of September, the department of Mechanical Engineering is also part of the training portfolio.

The students of the new department could becomefamiliar with the everyday life at the corporation and its departments.

“Our company provides an excellent opportunity for students at the dual higher education training programme to enhance their knowledge in an international industrial environment. At the same time, the creativity and innovative thinking of the students also matters a lot to us”, Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria said. Beside the departments of electric engineering and vehicle engineering, which were launched in the recent years, the Széchenyi University launched a new department in its dual training portfolio as of September: Mechanical Engineering. Furthermore, a new subject will also be launched at the faculty of Vehicle Production from the autumn semester on. This will be centred around quality assurance and will be held by experts of Audi Hungaria.

There is an increasing demand for the trainee programme of the four-ring company. There was even a headcount record recently: in the past weeks, there were 600 students spending their training periods at Audi all at once. The students got insight into the everyday work of each department and took part in projects related to their fields of specialisation. Beside getting the opportunity to acquire cutting-edge technical knowledge in an international environment and receiving regular performance evaluation, students are supported by experienced mentors at the company during their studies. They can also take part in German language courses. And finally, graduates are welcome with attractive career opportunities at Audi Hungaria.

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