
124 Apprentices Graduated from Audi Hungaria

2017. 06. 23.

• 124 graduates from Audi Hungaria’s dual education system this year
• Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria: “The expertise of our graduates is our pride.”
• Innovation award for the introduction of two new professions

Győr, 23 June 2017—124 students graduated from the dual education system of AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt and its partner schools this year. Currently, students can choose from 15 different professions. In the past 16 years, about 1800 young people have graduated from the skills-based education system of Audi Hungaria, and the scope of professions it offers is constantly broadening.

The 11 best graduates were awarded by Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria, Marco Reich, Head of Audi Akademie Hungaria and Dávid Fekete, Deputy Mayor of Győr.

“It takes a competitive education system to build a competitive economic system. To that end, we are continuously developing our dual education system, which has been running at our company with great success for 16 years now”, Dr. Elisabeth Knab said. One of the definite objectives of Audi Hungaria is to make professions more attractive and to broaden the spectrum of professions on demand so that a continuous supply of experts is ensured.
In this academic year, two new professions were added to the training portfolio: automotive maintenance technician and technician for alternative vehicle propulsion systems. Audi Hungaria was presented an innovation award by the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce for introducing these professions.
The education of new generations is of high priority for the company, which therefore prepares students for future professional challenges during their school years. Learning is supported by a well-equipped Training Center, which has been continuously enhanced in the past years. This spring, two new robot cells were commissioned in the plant, which enable students to master new competences. A training station was also installed to support training on e-engines and hybrid technologies and to prepare the students for e-mobility.

In the spirit of digitalization, modern devices are available to make learning more inspiring, including Mobile-Learning supported by iPads. Students can prepare their e-materials themselves and access them from any mobile device. This way they are inspired to create their own projects and study independently.

AUDI HUNGARIA Zrt was the first in Hungary to launch a dual education system model. Currently, it is run in cooperation with the “Lukács Sándor”, the “Pattantyús Ábrahám Géza” and the “Kossuth Lajos” secondary schools of Győr. More than 90% of the graduates are employed by the automotive concern after finishing their studies. During the next academic year, 125 new students will begin their studies in thissystem.

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