
Audi Hungaria: Stable Results in the Business Year 2016

2017. 03. 15.

• € 7,136 million net revenue
• Peter Kössler, Chairman of the Board of Management: “The strength of our company has been shown in our stable production and financial results.”

Ingolstadt/Győr, 15 March 2017—Audi Hungaria finished the business year 2016 with stable results: in engine production, 1,926,638 engines (2015: 2,022,520), while in vehicle production, 122,975 cars (2015: 159,842) were manufactured, including the new Audi TT RS Coupé and Roadster models. The premium manufacturer reached a net revenue of € 7,136 million (2015: € 7,906 million). At the end of last year, 11,631 employees (2015: 11,411) worked for the company.

With its net revenue of € 7,136 million, Audi Hungaria is one of the Hungarian-based companies with the highest revenues and one of Hungary’s biggest exporters.

There were structural changes at the company to have more efficient opertions:


“Despite the challenging conditions, we made it in 2016 again: we reached stable production and financial figures. This performance shows the strength of our company and provides a stable foundation for the future”, Peter Kössler, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria Zrt. said. “In the future we are going to focus more on digitalization, electrification and sustainability, and we are going to continue pursuing our goals with our great team in 2017, too.”


In the framework of the new corporate strategy, which was announced in the summer, the Audi Concern launched its SPEED UP! program last year. In this spirit, Audi Hungaria is further enhancing its cost and process efficiency, which will enable the realization of future goals and higher profitability at the same time.

In 2016, Audi Hungaria further strengthened the Győr production site with new investment projects, in particular the phase-in of new engine variants and the preparations of the new model, Audi Q3. The volume of total investments has reached € 8,300 million since the company was established, which makes Audi Hungaria the biggest investor in the automotive industry in Hungary.

With 1,926,638 engines manufactured, Audi Hungaria continues to be the world’s biggest engine factory, which supplies engines to over 30 sites of the Volkswagen Concern. The wide performance spectrum of the engines manufactured in Győr ranges from 63 kW (86 PS) to 449 kW (610 PS). Last year, the engine production team realized 14 successful product phase-in processes and reached another important milestone: Audi Hungaria’s 30 millionth engine. The jubilee engine was a sporty 5-cylinder 400 HP engine.

In vehicle production, 122,975 four-ring vehicles were manufactured. Currently, the vehicle production team is working hard on manufacturing the Audi A3 Limousine, the A3 Cabriolet, the Audi TT Coupé and the Audi TT Roadster models in the entire production depth. Two Győr “hits”, the Audi A3 Limousine and the A3 Cabriolet models were also revamped in 2016. Plus, the serial production of the new, sporty Audi TT RS Coupé and Roadster was launched, too. The vehicle production team also came to an important jubilee last year: the one millionth car, an Audi TT RS Coupé, was manufactured in Győr.

Drive Train Development also enhanced its competences further: the first Audi engine which can be used in gas (CNG) and petrol mode as well, was developed under the supervision of Audi Hungaria. Even a special stand was developed for testing the CNG engine. This technology is only available in Győr within the Audi concern. The Vehicle Development’s testing laboratory was enhanced with statics testing equipment to test various engine and vehicle parts. Experts can use the new testing equipment for testing and optimizing the acoustic, static and driving properties of the vehicles.

At the Audi Hungaria Tool Shop, 300,000 body parts and other parts are manufactured each year for 25 exclusive sport models of the Audi and Volkswagen concerns, including the Audi RS 6 or the Audi R8. By enlarging its Tool Shop, the company creates more capacity for its future projects:

the construction works of the 15,000m2 enlargement started in 2016.

The company has introduced several smart solutions to the production process including human-robot cooperation. In this project, two robots, Adam and Eve work hand in hand with their human colleagues in vehicle production. The “Motion Capturing” technology, that is unique worldwide, enables the ergonomic development and optimization of workplaces and processes.

Training future generations is of high priority at Audi Hungaria. In the company’s dual education system, 1,800 young people have mastered their professions so far. The training portfolio was enhanced with two new professions in 2016: automotive maintenance technician and alternative drive train technician. The company has supported the education of young people right from the start: for example, by enhancing the Audi Hungaria General Culture Center.

Another important pillar of the HR strategy is academic and scientific cooperation. In cooperation with Széchenyi István University, Audi Hungaria launched a dual higher education program, which offers two faculties for the students: Vehicle Engineering and, from September 2016, Electrical Engineering.


The premium manufacturer is a devoted sponsor of the social, cultural and sports life of the region. The company is a proud partner of the handball team AUDI ETO KC, the Ballet Company and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Győr. Furthermore, Audi Hungaria initiates and supports several social projects in the region.

“The start of 2017 has been exciting for us: the serial production of our latest model, the sporty Audi RS 3 Limousine was launched only a few days ago. Besides, we continue the preparations for the serial production of electric engines and the latest Győr model, the Audi Q3,so I have bright hopes for the future”, Peter Kössler said.

Audi Hungaria has already built an e-competence center for the serial production of electric engines, with all the skills and knowledge necessary for serial production. And, for the production of the Audi Q3, the company is building a new, 80,000-m2 body factory.

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