
“Please Take Your iPads!” Mobile learning at Audi Hungaria

2016. 12. 19.

Győr, 19 December 2016— Starting this year in Audi Hungaria’s dual vocational training, students will no longer be asked not to use their mobile devices during class. With 50 iPads available for almost 100 students, they can prepare their electronic learning materials independently.

For example, the students will be able to prepare short films, written materials or quiz questionnaires for themselves and their fellow students about welding processes, the proper use of safety gloves, surfacing basics or the importance of selective waste management (to name just a few). These learning materials can then be viewed on any mobile communication device later on.

“We know that the young people in our dual vocational training are members of a digital generation and were socialized on the Internet, so we can only catch their attention with innovative solutions,” said Dr. Elisabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of Audi Hungaria. “Individual learning, as well as interactivity, are both extremely important for Generation Z, and mobile learning provides a perfect platform for this.”

Currently, there are about 250 students being trained for 15 professions in the Győr company’s dual vocational training system.

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