
Audi Hungaria: a “Multi-millionaire”

2016. 11. 29.

• The 30 millionth engine and the millionth vehicle have come off the production lines in Győr.
• Peter Kössler, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria, said: “Today’s double jubilee is the result of real team work.”
• Zsolt Borkai, the Mayor of Győr: “Today the city and Audi succeed as one big family.”

Győr, 29 November 2016—The one millionth vehicle, powered by the 30 millionth Győr engine, a 294 kW (400 HP) five-cylinder TFSI engine, rolled off the production lines at Audi Hungaria.  The jubilee car, a Catalunya red Audi TT RS model, was welcomed by Audi employees, Zsolt Borkai, Mayor of the city of Győr and Peter Kössler, Chairman of the Board of Management of Audi Hungaria.

“30 million engines and 1 million vehicles make up an important milestone in the 23-year history of Audi Hungaria”, Peter Kössler, Chairman of the Management Board of Audi Hungaria said. “I am proud that we have reached this jubilee together with our team, which numbers 11,400 people strong, now. We will continue to rely on the commitment and great performance of our colleagues, which make it possible for our premium- quality engines and vehicles to continuously impress our customers worldwide.”

The jubilee car is a Catalunya red Audi TT RS Coupé. The series production of the sportiest member of the TT model series began in August at Audi Hungaria. The heart of the vehicle, the 30 millionth engine, is a sporty 5-cylinder engine, which has won the “International Engine of the Year” award for the seventh time this year. With its 400 HP performance, the engine ensures an extraordinary driving experience.

Zsolt Borkai called this jubilee the success of Audi Hungaria, the city and the people who live and work here. “Győr is proud to be the city of Audi, so we do our best to make decisions that contribute to the well-being of the company and its employees. We give a lot and we receive a lot in return. That’s what makes us so strong, and that’s what makes Győr develop at such a dynamic pace!”

Engine production was started in 1994 at Audi Hungaria. The first engine made in Győr was a 4-cylinder, 5-valve engine. The engine production portfolio was extended gradually over the years, as new types were introduced, and thus Audi Hungaria has already become the biggest engine factory in the world. Currently, 216 engine variants are manufactured by Audi Hungaria, and 8,800 4-, 5-, 6- and 8-cylinder engines are made in Győr every day. The 30 million engines that have been made so far have put about 5 billion horsepower on the road worldwide.

In 1998, the vehicle production department was launched at Audi Hungaria, with the assembly of the sport model Audi TT, which was followed by further models. Besides the Audi RS3 and Audi A3 Cabriolet, the second generations of the Audi TT Coupé and Roadster models were also made in Győr, including their sportiest variant, the RS models, as well.

The vehicle factory, which covers production in its entirety, was opened in 2013, with a mounting department, a press shop, a body factory and paint shop.

The series productions for the Audi A3 Limousine and the A3 Cabriolet, were launched at the new vehicle factory, and the third generation of the Audi TT series also rolled off the Győr production lines.

The vehicle production portfolio of in Győr will soon be extended with a new model, the Audi Q3. Preparations have already been started for the production of the new model, including building a new 80,000 m2 body factory.

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