
Dr. Elisabeth Knab Was Awarded a Mór Wahrmann Medal

2016. 05. 02.

• An award from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, as a recognition of the long-term cooperation between Audi Hungaria and the universities
• Dr. Elisabeth Knab: “The key of our company’s success are our qualified colleagues and highly skilled experts. And the foundation of technical development is made up by science and research.”

Győr, 02 May 2016—President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. László Lovász awarded Managing Director for Human Resources of

AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft Dr. Elisabeth Knab with a Mór Wahrmann medal today. The Academy presented the award as recognition of the incredibly successful long-term cooperation between the company and Hungarian scientific institutes.

“The recent trends like digitalization, sustainability or urbanization pose a great challenge to every company. For the industry, it is more important than ever to have highly qualified experts available, who are also open to new ideas.  For this reason, this award is not just a symbol of the successful cooperation between our company and the universities, but for me it is also emblematic of the decisive role science plays in Hungary’s economic development”, Dr. Elisabeth Knab pointed out.

“Without the contribution of scientific research, “Progress through Technology” couldn’t be realized either”, she continued. In light of the above, Audi Hungaria cooperates with several Hungarian colleges and universities for years now. Through the cooperation with institutes of higher education, academic knowledge and modern research meet corporate practice, which ensures that pioneering ideas reach the companies. The dual higher education model that was introduced recently, supports the practice-oriented training of engineers further. „As a member of the Hungary Dual Training Committee, I welcome this progress”, Dr. Elisabeth Knab said. Thanks to this training, professional supply can be involved in the activity of companies as soon as possible.

In 2015, the number of novice engineers rose by more than 30% at the departments of Engine- and Vehicle Production, most of which came from the partner universities of Audi Hungaria: from the Széchenyi István University, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, the University of Miskolc or the Óbuda University.

In the past year, the Széchenyi István University was particularly in the center of attention: by launching the Audi Hungaria Vehicle Engineering Faculty, the cooperation between the company and the university grew even closer. As part of the Excellence Program that was founded for colleges and universities that cover the whole country, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences established the first Center of Excellence for Vehicle Technology Research at the Széchenyi István University of Győr in 2015. Besides the University of Győr, there is also a close cooperation between Audi Hungaria and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, where the Electrochemistry Research Group was established a few years ago.

Before Dr. Elisabeth Knab took over the position of Managing Director for Human Resources in 2013, she had built up the department of Educational and Scientific Cooperation at AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. from 2011 on.

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