
Drive Strategies and Heat Emission: the Symbiosis of Industry and Higher Education

2016. 03. 08.

Simulation-supported design; new testing methods; upgraded production technologies and processes: just a few of the many interesting topics the audience could listen to on the Audi Hungaria Research Projects Day.

Projects made in cooperation with Hungarian institutes of higher education are of high priority and are highly popular at the four-ring company of Győr. As a proof, this professional event was organized for the third time now. Audi Hungaria has participated in over 250 research projects in cooperation with institutes of higher education so far. Last year only, the engine- and vehicle production company cooperated with its university partners in 56 projects.

“The interconnection of industrial and academic knowledge has mutual benefits for both parties”, Dr. Elizabeth Knab, Member of the Board of Management for Human Resources of AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. pointed out in her opening speech. “The bilateral knowledge transfer we are keeping up with universities is of high priority for us, because combining the academic knowledge base of these institutes of higher education with actual industrial experience can result in innovative and useful solutions.”

The guests of this professional event had the opportunity to learn about the results of the projects run in cooperation with the Széchenyi István University of Győr and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. But during the expo that was held after the presentations, the Óbuda University and the University of Miskolc introduced themselves, too. Currently, Audi Hungaria is in official partnership with these four institutes of higher education.

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