
Professional Future in the Focus of Attention: The First Vocational Training Conference at Audi Hungaria

2015. 10. 16.

• Conference on dual vocational training in Hungary
• Audi Hungaria implemented the model in 2001 which has been a success ever since
• Prof. h.c. Thomas Sigi, AUDI AG’s Board Member for Human Resources and Labor Relations Director: “The combination of theoretical and practical training allows us to achieve high quality education”

Győr, 16 October 2015 – A premiere in Hungarian education: the first conference on vocational training is held today at AUDI HUNGARIA MOTOR Kft. under the motto “The potential of dual vocational training in Hungary.” Organized by Audi Hungaria in collaboration with the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK), the event is backed by the Embassy of Germany and the Hungarian Government. The conference, held under the high patronage of Minister for National Economy Mihály Varga, provides a platform for nearly 200 participants for building relationships and exchanging professional experiences concerning the future of dual vocational training.


“Over the years, dual vocational training has become one of Audi AG’s much sought-after export products, and we are continuously developing and improving it,” said Prof. h.c. Thomas Sigi, AUDI AG’s Board Member for Human Resources and Labor Relations Director. The company’s dual vocational training scheme, which is based on the German model, has been implemented during the past few years not only in Hungary but also in Belgium, China, Mexico and Italy. “Everywhere in the world, the combination of school-based theoretical education and company-based practical training allows us to achieve high quality education,” Thomas Sigi emphasized.


“Well-trained employees are the key to any company’s long-term success. It is in this spirit that we have been operating the dual vocational training scheme since 2001 at Audi Hungaria,” said Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, Audi Hungaria’s Managing Director for Human Resources. Audi encourages dialogue between the various stakeholders, as it enables them to act together to optimize and support the conceptual framework behind vocational training for young people. “We are very happy that together we have been able to organize this first Conference on Vocational Training. As the largest employer in the region, Audi Hungaria has welcomed the opportunity to provide the background for this event,” Dr. Erzsébet Knáb continued.


“The only way Hungary can keep up in this environment of intense international competition is by increasing the proportion of young people and adults who hold vocational qualifications and are willing to work, and at the same time increasing the quality of vocational training,” said Ildikó Jakabucz, Vice President for Vocational Training of the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce. “Vocational training is an area where you have to prepare well in advance for the future demands of the economy. In order to be able to do this, training contents need to be updated, but it is also necessary to increase the popularity of studying for vocational qualifications (especially in professions where there is a shortage of qualified workers) among students and parents,” Jakabucz added.


The aim of the conference is to foster the exchange of experiences and knowledge transfer between all actors in the education sector, from government decision-makers to the representatives of vocational training institutions and businesses. Participants have an opportunity to discuss the current state and framework conditions of dual vocational training, to articulate their needs and to adopt shared perspectives and come up with optimal solutions.


The conference was opened by Dr. Erzsébet Knáb, Managing Director for Human Resources, Mihály Varga, Minister for National Economy, Ildikó Jakabucz, DUIHK’s Vice President for Vocational Training, and Dr. Heinz-Peter Behr, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Hungary. Panel discussions, workshops and lectures on various aspects of dual vocational training, including a lecture by Dr. László Odrobina, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry for National Economy, are featured on the conference’s agenda.


The program includes an interesting range of expert lectures, such as “A German-Hungarian cooperation project aimed at international vocational training,” “Dual vocational training and its effects on the Hungarian labor market situation,” or “Career after vocational education.”

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  • Szakkepzesi Konferencia 002.JPG Download (1089.14KB)

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